Viewing Prerecorded WRL Animations or Virtual Worlds
This topic assumes that you have a prerecorded WRL animation file or an existing virtual world file.
- Start Orbisnap. For example, in Windows double-click
- Orbisnap is displayed.
- In Orbisnap, select File -> Open.
- A file browser is displayed.
- Browse to the directory that contains the prerecorded WRL animation file or virtual world you want to view.
- Select the virtual world or prerecorded WRL file you want to view.
- Click Open.
- The file is displayed. If the file is an animation file, the simulation begins.
- To close Orbisnap, select File -> Close.
See Orbisnap Interface for an overview of the Orbisnap interface.
See Orbisnap Command Line for a description of the Orbisnap command line options.
| Using Orbisnap | | Viewing the Simulink 3D Animation Server Virtual Worlds Remotely | |